Hi Everyone! If you are reading this, then you must be logged in correctly! If you know of anyone in the program still having an issue getting into their account, please email Sarah Stetson-Blewett at president@studiowestwfhs.com. We appreciate your patience as we start this new school year!

We had an AMAZING turnout for our Trip Meeting, so thank you for that! Some of you still have questions about the trips and all of the details. We promise to have some more info coming your way soon. Some of the more specific details won’t be available until closer to the trip but we will continue to communicate as quickly as we can.

Don’t forget to fundraise!! There is a pdf on the Support page that you can download and print off to bring to different businesses for corporate sponsorships etc.

Alumni? Let's keep in touch!

Alumni? Let's keep in touch!

We would love to include you in our special Alumni group! Sign up now to be added to our list.


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