If you and/or your child has signed up to attend the 2022 Georgia Thespian Conference (THESCON), please read and review all the trip information HERE 



If you and/or your child has signed up to attend the 2022 Studio West Trip to The Walt Disney World Resort, please read and review all the trip information HERE 


Below are your 2021-2022 SWB Parent Booster Board members:

Sarah Stetson-Blewett

Vice President
& Events Coordinator
Shelly Jenkins

& Communications Coordinator
Sharon Santini

& Finance Coordinator
& Marketing Coordinator
Merrick Theobald

Program Director
& Director of Chorus & Musical Theatre 
Sarah Lindvall

Director of Drama & Technical Theatre
Rebecca Stern

Costume Coordinator
Heatherly Marsh


  • NEXT BOARD MEETING (open to all current parents) – February 9th. – Details to come.
  • 2022-2023 PARENT BOOSTER BOARD MEMBER INTERVIEWS – from April 18- May 10
  • ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEW BOARD MEMBERS- Possibly at Westie Awards – May 14??

The 2022-2023 School Year is approaching FAST! Our current Booster Board would like to start working with anyone interested in serving and volunteering for the next school year right now. We invite ALL current parents to attend our upcoming Board Meetings and encourage you to reach out to any one of us with all of your questions and thoughts. 


Take the time now to learn how our 501c3 functions and all of the opportunities available to get involved in what your kids are doing at Studio West! We are here for you and would love to help.

Please look over our list of Board Member Positions and possibilities. If you are gifted at something and feel Studio West could use your talents, please let us know!

PRESIDENT- Team Coordinator
  • Booster Club Liaison between Booster Club Board Members & Chairs, SWB Parents and SWB Program Directors
  • Executive (rule enforcing) Officer for all code of ethics and bylaws
  • Works alongside the Program Director to reach annual and future program goals and mission/vision development
  • Organizes and oversees all behind-the-scenes tasks, events and leadership, ensuring all responsibilities are handled and communicated
  • Oversees and upholds the annual budget
  • Creates all board meeting agendas and facilitates all board meetings
  • Collaborates with Student Officers where needed
  • ***The Board President/Team Coordinator, can also act and serve as any other coordinator except for Finance Coordinator (Treasurer) or Communications Coordinator (Secretary), in addition to their Team Coordinator tasks and responsibilities listed above
  • Second in command to assist the President and support the SWB program
  • ***The VP will typically also act and serve as one of the other Coordinator positions such as Events, Development, Alumni, Volunteer Coordinator etc
SECRETARY - Communications Coordinator
  • Records meeting minutes
  • Organizes and sends out the monthly newsletter to all current parents and students
  • Collaborates with the Directors and Student Officers to communicate efficiently and consistently to the SWB internal community on social media and through other internal platforms
  • Organizes and maintains all current year student and parent contact information
TREASURER - Finance Coordinator
  • Keeps all SWB bank account records and checkbook
  • Works directly with bookkeeper and President on all receivables and payables and website wallet accounts
  • Organizes and maintains all student accounts (dues, payments and statements)
  • Works with Program Directors and the Board President to manage and maintain the budget
  • Manages spending requests and reimbursements 
  • Works with Parent Booster to maintain 501(c)(3) status with the IRS and all tax filings
  • Provides detailed treasury report at every board meeting
  • Must be familiar with Quickbooks and Square
EVENTS Coordinator
  • Works with the Booster Board and Directors to plan, organize and oversee all shows, events, trips and social gatherings
  • Oversees and delegates all show event hospitality including house managers, ushers, concessions, stargrams, and other front of house needs
  • Works with parent and student volunteers (if there is no Volunteer Coordinator, the Events Coordinator will oversee all volunteers and their record of time)
  • Plans and executes all food and snacks provided for specific show dates, trips and outside events when needed
  • Works with perspective Director and team to handle all trip (including Thescon) registrations, payments, reservations and logistics
MARKETING/PR Coordinator
  • If inclined and NOT already assigned to a specific graphics department/company, this Coordinator would create all show, event and marketing graphics and materials 
  • Setup a marketing release calendar and work with the President, Communications Coordinator and Directors to facilitate disbursement of all marketing endeavors
  • Work with the Development Coordinator and Events Coordinator on all media and marketing for fundraising, sponsorship and grant packets and materials
  • Oversees all social media accounts (internal and out-facing for BOTH student accounts and parent accounts) – will work with appropriate board members and student officers 
  • Establishes and maintains brand guidelines and standards for the program
  • Designs or oversees all show programs and works with Development Coordinator on sponsorship ads etc
  • Oversees coordination of Booster Club Merchandise
  • Researches, implements, and oversees all fundraising initiatives, grant writing opportunities, and sponsorships including all ad sales for the show programs
  • Collaborates with Student Officers to communicate and execute all fundraising tasks and opportunities efficiently and effectively
  • Works with Marketing Coordinator on all marketing materials for outreach to various businesses and organizations for sponsorships
  • Contacts and networks with the local community for fundraising and sponsorship opportunities
ALUMNI Coordinator
  • Creates and maintains contact list of all Alumni (parents and students)
  • Communicates with Alumni on current shows, events and opportunities at SWB
  • Plans and organizes Alumni specific appreciation or recognition events or gatherings
  • Creates and maintains any Alumni social media pages or groups
  • Works with Communications Coordinator to send out targeted newsletter emails
  • Works with Alumni on program donations, sponsorships etc
CSPT Coordinator
  • Oversees all volunteers for Costumes, Sets, Props and Tech
  • Works directly with the Directors on show specific needs for costuming and sourcing it
  • Obtains and keeps records of all student measurements
  • Works with any tech students and Directors on set, props and tech needs
  • Responsible for any costume or equipment rental returns – work with Directors
  • Assembles any volunteer teams needed to organize and clean Costume and Prop Closets
  • Keeping track of inventory on needed items for shows and events
IT Coordinator
  • ***This may need to be outsourced due to the specific tasks and responsibilities
  • Oversees website backend, including updates and changes
  • Inputs and manages all shows, events, fees, trips and other “products” to be sold online
  • Manages the Admin side of the Google Workspace account, which includes all email addresses and privileges 
  • Works with the Finance Coordinator on any financial reports and all student accounts through the website